Saturday, 26 December 2009

Stepping On The Scale Of Relevance Part 2

“True success is all about the subjects”. OVK Odulele.

True success is beyond you. It is the pipeline that affects other people. Success without relevance is prosperity of a fool that brings destruction. You have to understand that many lives are connected to your lives and your rising is for the rising of many people.

Relevance is the ability to connect and being an answer to situations. You can be an answer for your organisation and connect people in a way they have never been connected in order to help birth their greatness.

“The future belongs to those who prepare for it”. Ralph Waldo Emerson.

It is true that all of us have potentials, seeds of greatness that could be turned to engines of success. Until we begin to prepare and develop to release them, they might never see the light of realities.

“Responsibility is the price of greatness”. Sir Winston Churchill.

Responsibility means response to ability. You are bigger than you are ever imagined. All your organs are designed for greatness. I mean your eyes, mouth, ears, body, nose etc. Everything about you is an instrument to release the greatness within. There is no disability in you and no excuse for an average life. You must be ready to put yourself on the scale of relevance because you are the answer to the problems that this world is facing.

Let me share some of the things that helped and is helping me to be my best. When I talk of success, I am not referring to money alone, am talking about having fulfilment in all areas of your life and being a blessing to the world at large. This is by no means everything but certainly will help you to birth your greatness.

1.You have to detach yourself from and crowd and any rat race. Everybody needs a moment of quietness. My moment of quietness is a moment when am alone with God and engaging myself with some thought provoking sessions and asking relevant questions like:

• What are my interests?
• What am I passionate about?
• What subjects or topic do I have a lot of knowledge of?
• What are people always coming for advice from me?
• Where do I receive commendations?
• What area of my job do I like most?
• What are my happiest moments?

I engage myself in all these thoughts and listen to myself back. This will make me know my strengths and weaknesses.

2. Develop a vision of where you want to be and break it down to achievable goals for a specified amount of time. While it is easy to confuse vision with illusion or fantasy. Vision is not a wishful thinking or trying to be like some else. Vision gives direction for your life. It is the ability to see far and beyond your limitations. Vision is all about seeing the big picture. Vision imposes high standard on you and helps you to manage your time.

3. You have to be strategic about your vision. Strategy is courses of actions needed for achieving your goals. It is not enough to have the vision, you have to map out ways on how to achieve your goals. You have to identify areas you have to improve on and some things you have to drop. You must develop plan of actions and they must be time based.

4. You need a mentor and coach to help birth your greatness. Coaching is different from mentoring. A mentor gives pieces of advice relevant for your development but a coach will engage you in a thoughtful session in order to awaken your mind power. This will bring the best out of you and help you manage your weaknesses and increase your strengths. The work of a coach is to remove your limiting point and raise the bar of excellence for you.

5 .Develop interpersonal skills. Learn how to manage people because they are your greatest assets in releasing your greatness. Nobody is an island. I learned this early in life. No vision is self fulfilled. You need people around you to help fan your gifting into flame. You must learn to appreciate and reward your workforce. Start from little thing like giving them complimentary cards and learn to say thank you for any work done for you even if you are paying them.

6. Personal development. Buy a lot of books and go for relevant seminars and workshop in the area of your passion and try to also broaden your knowledge on other subjects. Always stay greener. You must never get to a point where your brain is hurting for more knowledge. A reader is a leader. I got this secret early in life.

7 Fly with the eagles. Since I made up my mind to be the best. Naturally, I found out that not just everybody can be close to me. There is a need for strategic alliance. We all need influence in our lives. You need people around you that will always push you higher with their inputs. Friendship is a choice and you have to be very selective with the people you flock with. You must make it your ambition to follow peace with all men but your passion should be geared towards those who are making positive impact on your life and purpose.

While I would have loved to continue sharing everything with you, I will love to hear from you back.

Always remember that you are the centre of your universe and you can make anything happen.
Tunji Ishola
Empowering generations to live life to the fullest and die empty.
Author- Live Your Life To The Fullest .

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